Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bad Blogger Syndrome

What constitutes a bad blogger these days? Since I haven't posted anything on my ideasignetsy blog in 2/3 of a year, does that make a bad blogger? I'd say YES!

Lately, things have been kinda busy with me purchasing my new shop and all. Before that, it was just a deep depression and funk that I was in. I admit it, I wasn't very motivated and was having a hard time getting my life going. Mostly because, I didn't know where it was heading. Now I have a clearer focus and can put a lot more effort into something of real value to me. In other words, I don't get the impression I'm spinning my wheels or wasting my time anymore!

Getting the printshop has been such a blessing. For me, for my family and hopefully for my customers as well. I now have something that most people will never have their entire life... I have my dream job! And it dropped into my lap at such a strange point in my life, but, I'm extremely lucky in that regard. I'll never quite understand how this universe works exactly... lol.

Looking forward to more informational posts and updates on the ETSY front in the near future and I promise, it won't be another 8 months between posts!

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